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Using Clearpay analytics

Setting up Clearpay analytics collection

Clearpay analytics are collected as part of the ClearpayJS library. The Clearpay JavaScript library must be included in all pages where analytics metrics might be gathered.

To include the Clearpay JavaScript library in a page, add the following <script> tag in the <head> HTML section:

<script src=""</script>

Order confirmation analytics

Clearpay analytics records an order_confirmation event each time a customer reaches an order confirmation screen. Each order confirmation event records whether Clearpay was used, as well as the order value, currency, merchant ID, and order ID.

is_afterpay_usedbooleanIf true, Clearpay was used to pay for this order.
merchant_idstringClearpay merchant ID.
order_amountstringValue of the order that has been captured.
order_currencystringThe currency of the order, using ISO 4217 currency codes.
order_idstring (optional)Optional field containing the merchant identifier of this order.

If a GBP 100 order was completed on your site using Clearpay with an Order Number of 11443 you would use the following attributes:

AfterPay.analyticsEvent('order_confirmation', {
	is_afterpay_used: true,
	merchant_id: '1123533532',
	order_amount: '100',
	order_currency: 'GBP',
	order_id: '11443'