Cookie Consent by Free Privacy Policy Generator Update cookies preferences

User-Agent header must be supplied with all Merchant API requests prior to placing any live transactions.

For example:

  • MyClearpayModule/1.0.0 (E-Commerce Platform Name/1.0.0; PHP/7.0.0; Merchantname/60032000)
DescriptionExample Data AboveOther Merchant Examples
Clearpay PluginMyClearpayModule/1.0.0• Custom Plugin/1.0
• Shopify Plugin/3.5.1
• ClearpayCartridge/1.0
• ClearpayExtension/2.9
PlatformE-Commerce Platform Name/1.0.0• Websphere Commerce/8.1
• Commerce Cloud/1.1
• Adobe Commerce (Magento)/2.3.0
System InformationPHP/7.0.0• PHP/7.2.18
• Ruby/2.5.3
• Java/8.3
Merchant IDMerchantname/60032000• Merchantname/101113200
• Merchantname/101931210
Merchant Website URLhttps://merchant.example.com



In this case the Merchant ID is your company name or organisation name followed by an eight-digit number.