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Available Countries

Express Checkout is currently available in the following countries:

πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ UK
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ United States
πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί Australia
πŸ‡³πŸ‡Ώ New Zealand
πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ Canada

Clearpay Express Checkout reduces the overall checkout steps on desktop and mobile so that shoppers can complete transactions more quickly. Customers checkout directly from the shopping bag or product page using their previously saved Clearpay information.

Simply – fewer checkout steps, higher conversion.

Express Checkout Flows (Cart and/or Product Pages)

Integrated Shipping:​ Delivery options are displayed to users in real time, with the ability to confirm the order within Clearpay.

Deferred Shipping:​ The user returns to the retailer site to finalise delivery options and complete the order.

Suitability Test

Integrated ShippingDeferred Shipping
Less than 5 shipping optionsMore than 5 shipping options
Simple shipping options (i.e. single option
for whole order)
Complex shipping options (e.g. individual options at SKU level)
Simple tiered shipping options (e.g. standard, express, rush)Time Slot Booking
Pickup in-store option before checkout entryMixed in-store pickup and home delivery

Adding the Express Checkout Button

You must show a Clearpay checkout button on your cart and/or product pages to enable Express Checkout. When clicked, the Clearpay checkout button will start the checkout process in a popup flow (the redirect flow can optionally be used with Deferred Shipping).

Options for the Clearpay Button

There is a selection of buttons available for each stage of checkout – each clearly indicating the following action to the consumer.


Click to enlarge


Integration assets are available here, or contact your Clearpay Merchant Services representative.

Configure the Clearpay Button

Clearpay can be launched from different entry points in the consumer journey. To enable a smart checkout flow, create a Clearpay checkout button on your web page, assign an ID, and set the afterpay-entry-point data attribute on the button to one of the following:

  • product-page
  • mini-cart
  • cart

For example, a button that renders on the mini-cart:

<button id="clearpay-button" data-afterpay-entry-point="mini-cart">
      Checkout with Clearpay

Load afterpay.js

To launch Clearpay Express Checkout you will need to add the afterpay.js script on your page.

You will also need to set the onload attribute to point to your own function (e.g. initAfterpay) where you will perform the initialisation of the popup. The contents of this function are detailed in the next section Initialise the Popup Window.

For example, loading the sandbox afterpay.js script:

<script src="" async onload="initAfterpay()"></script>

Initialize the Popup Window (Express Checkout - Product/Cart Pages)

Inside your own onload function (e.g. initAfterpay), use afterpay.js to initialize the popup window by invoking initializeForPopup. The following properties will then need to be configured:

  • Set countryCode to the two-character ISO 3166-1 country code of the Merchant account

  • Set the flag shippingOptionRequired to:

    • false: if shipping options are not required to be displayed in the Express Checkout flow

    • true: if you intend to provide shipping options to to the consumer within the Express Checkout flow (i.e. Integrated Shipping). This is the default value

  • Set target to the ID (or class if multiple buttons need to be targeted on the same page) assigned to your button that will trigger the checkout process

  • Handle lifecycle events:

    • onCommenceCheckout: This is where the retrieval of the afterpay token from your server will happen. Once retrieved, start the checkout process you will need to call actions.resolve(TOKEN)

    • onComplete: see The onComplete Callback section below for more details

Full Example with Deferred Shipping

      // ensure this function is defined before loading afterpay.js
      function initAfterpay () {
          countryCode: 'GB',
          onCommenceCheckout: function (actions) {
            /* retrieve afterpay token from your server */
            /* then call `actions.resolve(token)` */
          onComplete: function (data) {
            /* handle success/failure of checkout */
          target: '#clearpay-button',
          shippingOptionRequired: false,
    <script src="" async onload="initAfterpay()">
    <button id="clearpay-button" 
      Checkout now with Clearpay

During Clearpay Express Checkout

When the user clicks the Clearpay checkout button, a popup will launch and they will be prompted to login and review their order details. They can choose a payment method and delivery address, and, if you are using Integrated Shipping, they will also be presented with shipping options for that address.

Once they confirm their details on Clearpay, the popup will close and they will return to your site. Your page will be notified of the completion via the onComplete callback.

The onComplete Callback

When the consumer completes the Express Checkout flow, a call is made to the onComplete Javascript function. This function is passed an event argument with a data field, which has the following properties:

statusStringThe order status: "SUCCESS" or "CANCEL"
orderTokenStringThe order token provided when initialising the checkout
merchantReferenceString (optional)The merchant's ID or reference number for the order
          // ...
          onComplete: function (event) {
            /* handle success/failure of checkout */
            if ( == "SUCCESS") {
              // The consumer has confirmed the payment schedule.
              // Call your server here to retrieve the order details
            } else {
              // The consumer cancelled the payment or closed the popup window.

Retrieve the Express Checkout Order Details

Retrieve all transaction details using the Clearpay Get Checkout API:

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'accept: application/json'

Verify the Transaction

A transaction integrity check must be performed to ensure that the transaction is valid. After receiving the onComplete callback, call your server to validate the transaction:

Compare the Clearpay order returned by the Get Checkout API with your own records.

amountMoneyTotal amount to be charged to consumer.
consumerConsumerContains the user's givenNames, surname, and email. Note that phoneNumber will not be included here.
shippingContactContains the user's shipping address with full details.
shippingOptionIdentifierStringIntegrated Shipping only. The ID corresponding to the shipping option chosen by the user.

This should be used as the β€œsource of truth” for the order, and will include the consumer name, email address, delivery address, and order total.


Additional Verification

Passing the total order amount when you call the Auth (or Capture if using the Immediate Payment Flow) endpoint allows Clearpay to perform its own validation.

Complete the Express Checkout Process

After retrieving the order details, you may choose to either capture payment immediately or continue the checkout on a review page. To capture payment and complete the transaction immediately, make use of Integrated Shipping with the Buy Now feature.

If you intend to continue the checkout on your site, you should:

  • Pre-fill your review page using the Clearpay order details
  • Allow the user to select a delivery method (unless using Integrated Shipping)
  • Optionally offer the ability to change order details and enter promo codes
  • Display the Clearpay checkout widget on the final review page or at all steps of your checkout


The Clearpay Checkout Widget is mandatory if your checkout makes any changes to the order total after returning to your site.

Integrated Shipping

This feature improves the user experience by embedding your shipping options directly into the Clearpay Express Checkout flow. It streamlines the checkout process and can be combined with the buyNow flag to create a one-stop checkout that immediately precedes the order confirmation page.

We recommend the Integrated Shipping flow for merchants with:

  • Fewer than 5 shipping options
  • Single shipping option for an entire order (i.e. no SKU level options)
  • Simple tiered shipping options (e.g. standard, express, rush)
  • Pickup in-store option before checkout entry

Integrated Shipping is configured in the call to initializeForPopup triggered by the Express Checkout button.

It requires shippingOptionRequired to be true (enabled by default) and an onShippingAddressChange callback must be defined:

  // ...
  shippingOptionRequired: true,
  onShippingAddressChange: function (data, actions) {
    /* address in `data` */
    /* calc options, then call `actions.resolve(options)` */

Click to enlarge

Full Example with Integrated Shipping

  countryCode: 'GB',
  onCommenceCheckout: function(actions) {
    /* retrieve afterpay token from your server */
    /* then call `actions.resolve(token)` */
  onShippingAddressChange: function (data, actions) {
    /* required for Integrated Shipping  */
    /* address in `data` */
    /* calc options, then call `actions.resolve(options)` */
  onShippingOptionChange: function (data) {
    /* optional - chosen option in `data` */
  onComplete: function (data) {
    /* handle success/failure of checkout */
  target: '#clearpay-express-button',
  buyNow: false,
  pickup: false,
  shippingOptionRequired: true


Integrated Shipping is enabled by default for Express orders. To disable it, shippingOptionRequired must be set to false.


Integrated Shipping requires the Express Checkout flow to be launched as a popup, due to the way shipping information is communicated over the frontend. The redirect method is not supported.

Listening for Address Changes

The Shipping Address Change callback is a feature of the Express Checkout. This callback allows a merchant to dynamically update shipping options and taxes based on the shipping address chosen by the consumer.

The shipping address change callback is required:

  • If you intend to update the order total based on a chosen shipping address.
  • To validate that you can ship to the selected address.

To set up the Shipping Address Change callback, implement the onShippingAddressChange function. This function will be passed two arguments: data and actions.

How the shipping options are calculated is entirely managed by the merchant. They can be calculated in Javascript or by handing off to an internal API.

If shipping options are available for the given address, they can be returned to Clearpay using the resolve action as shown in the code example below. Similarly, the reject action is used when shipping is unavailable.

Example retrieving shipping options via API

  // ...
  onShippingAddressChange: function (data, actions) {
    fetch('/your-shipping-endpoint', {
      method: 'POST',
      headers: { 'content-Type': 'application/json' },
      body: JSON.stringify(data),
    }).then(function(options) {
    }).catch(function(error) {
      // Parse the response and send an AfterPay rejection, e.g.:

Example calculating shipping options in JS

  // ...
  onShippingAddressChange: function (data, actions) {
    if (data.countryCode !== 'GB') {
      // Reject any unsupported shipping addresses
    } else {
      // Calc shipping inline
      actions.resolve([ {
        id: '1', name: 'Standard', description: '3 - 5 days',
        shippingAmount: { amount: '0.00', currency: 'GBP'},
        taxAmount: { amount: '3.18', currency: 'GBP'},
        orderAmount: { amount: '34.99', currency: 'GBP'},
      }, {
        id: '2', name: 'Priority', description: 'Next business day',
        shippingAmount: { amount: '10.99', currency: 'GBP'},
        taxAmount: { amount: '4.28', currency: 'GBP'},
        orderAmount: { amount: '47.08', currency: 'GBP'},
      } ])

Clearpay calls your onShippingAddressChange function when:

  • The consumer first enters the Clearpay summary page
  • The consumer makes a change to their shipping address on the Clearpay summary page

Clearpay provides the following parameters to your onShippingAddressChange function:

  • data parameter: This contains the consumer’s selected address with fields:
    • suburb, state, postcode, and countryCode
  • action parameter: This object is used to return your response to the Clearpay checkout. It consists of the following methods:
    • resolve : Call this method to provide the shipping options applicable to the consumers address. Takes an array of Shipping Option objects.
    • reject : Call this method when you are unable to handle the request. Do not throw an error, instead call this method with a Shipping Constant as the first argument to indicate a status, e.g.:

Shipping Option Model

idString (required)A shipping option identifier. Max length 128
nameString (required)The name of the shipping options
shippingAmountMoney (required)The shipping amount (without tax, if including taxAmount)
taxAmountMoney (required)The tax amount
orderAmountMoney (required)The total amount for the order including shipping and taxes
descriptionStringA description for this shipping option

Shipping Constants

To indicate a number of error scenarios, actions.reject() may be invoked with a provided constant.

These are of the form AfterPay.constants.<NAME>, where is one of:

SHIPPING_ADDRESS_UNSUPPORTEDRecognised address, but will not ship there
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLEGeneral service error.


Clearpay Express Checkout does not perform any arithmetic. It is the responsibility of your web app to calculate the correct total. Each shipping option must have a total order amount including taxes and shipping.

Listening for Shipping Option Changes

The onShippingOptionChange callback allows a merchant to track the user’s chosen shipping option as it changes. It is optional, and will be called each time a user selects a shipping option. This function is passed one argument: data

data parameter (object): This contains the consumer’s selected shipping option, as provided in the response from onShippingAddressChange, with fields:

IDNameDescriptionShipping AmountOrder Amount
  // ...
  onShippingOptionChange: function (data) {

Listening for Warning/Error messages

To facilitate handling of logging/warning/error messages, AfterPay.onMessage can optionally be replaced with a custom function. The default function is:

AfterPay.onMessage = function (payload) {

Buy Now

When the Express Checkout is complete, you may either call the Auth endpoint immediately or continue checkout on your review page. If you are authorising (or capturing) payment immediately, set the buyNow flag to true - this shows the user a β€œBuy Now” button at the end of their Clearpay journey.

  // ...
  buyNow: true,

Click image to enlarge

Configuring a pickup order

The Express Checkout experience can be tailored for Click & Collect and other pickup flows by following these steps:

  1. Allow your users the ability to choose pickup options before they select Clearpay Express. This should include any decisions that may impact the cost of delivery, for instance pickup location and date.

  2. If the user has opted for pickup, provide the chosen pickup address when creating the order via the shipping body parameter -- e.g

curl --request POST \
  --url  \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{"amount":{"amount":"10.00", β€œcurrency”: β€œGBP”}, β€œmode”: β€œexpress”, "merchant": {"popupOriginUrl": ""}, "shipping": {"name": "Your Store Name", "line1": "123 Store Address", "postcode": "0000"}}'
  1. When invoking initializeForPopup
    Set the pickup flag to true.
    Configure your onShippingAddressChange handler to return the name and description of their pickup choice. This will likely mean returning only a single option -- e.g
actions.resolve([ {
  id: 'pickup-store-123', name: 'Click & Collect',
  description: 'Available for next-day pickup',
  shippingAmount: { amount: '0.00', currency: 'GBP'},
  taxAmount: { amount: '3.18', currency: 'GBP'},
  orderAmount: { amount: '34.99', currency: 'GBP'},
} ])
  • Depending on your configuration, your frontend may have already invoked initializeForPopup before knowing whether the user will opt for pickup.
    It is safe to invoke initializeForPopup multiple times; each call will overwrite the previous settings. In this case you may choose to call initializeForPopup in response to the user selecting a pickup option.
  1. You may choose to collect additional information regarding the pickup, e.g. electing another person to pick up the order, at your order review page. These details must not affect the order total.