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This endpoint retrieves an incomplete individual order by token.



Order details are only retained in this temporary format for up to 60 minutes. If an order token expires or has a payment captured against it, it can no longer be retrieved from this endpoint.

To retrieve a completed payment along with its associated order details, see Get Payment By Token.

Successful Response (200)

If an order belonging to the authenticated merchant account is found, returns the order details in response. Fields that were not included in the original Create Order request may not be included in any corresponding Get Order request.

expiresstringThe UTC timestamp of when the order token will expire, in ISO 8601 format.
tokenstringOrder token to be used to complete payment.
totalAmountMoneyTotal amount for order to be charged to consumer.
consumerConsumerThe consumer requesting the order.
billingContactBilling address.
shippingContactShipping address.
courierShipping CourierShipping courier details.
descriptionstringA description of the order.
merchant.redirectConfirmUrlstringThe consumer is redirected to this URL on confirmation.
merchant.redirectCancelUrlstringThe consumer to redirected to this URL if the payment process is cancelled.
merchantReferencestringThe merchant's id/reference that this order corresponds to.
itemsItem[]An array of order items.
discountsDiscount[]An array of discounts.
shippingAmountMoneyThe shipping amount.
taxAmountMoneyThe included tax amount after applying all discounts.

Connection Timeouts

TimeoutTime (Seconds)


In addition to the GET Errors applicable to all GET endpoints, the following errors are specific to Get Order:

HTTP Status CodeerrorCodeDescription
Not Found
not_foundThe order token is invalid, expired, completed, or does not exist.
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